This artwork perfectly describes the definition of being a hacker. Hacker is anonymous where one attempts to penetrate through a computer system at any general point. The image of 010101000111 symbolized the concept of technology. Furthermore, the purge mask can not able to identify oneself- a purpose of anonymous. Overall, it looks rad!
samira says:
This is one of my favorite zine posts. The idea of representing tech is mindblowing. Every picture on this art looks nicely blend out. The hacker in the middle stands out the most and that grabbed my attention. The combination of the numbers and social media icon also looks good. Great work!
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LOOK AMAZING! many number and social media
This artwork perfectly describes the definition of being a hacker. Hacker is anonymous where one attempts to penetrate through a computer system at any general point. The image of 010101000111 symbolized the concept of technology. Furthermore, the purge mask can not able to identify oneself- a purpose of anonymous. Overall, it looks rad!
This is one of my favorite zine posts. The idea of representing tech is mindblowing. Every picture on this art looks nicely blend out. The hacker in the middle stands out the most and that grabbed my attention. The combination of the numbers and social media icon also looks good. Great work!