Tag: Digital Art

Wally Sutton’s Internet Art Making Creative Blogging Project #1

Wally Sutton’s Internet Art Making Creative Blogging Project #1

Who is Wally Sutton and why is he here?

Simply put, Wally Sutton is a fictional character. He’s a Walrus, however, he doesn’t know that Walrus’s aren’t supposed to wear human clothing or sell things like motherboards and other computer hardware… That is what makes Wally, Wally. He is following his own path. Wally believes that his Dharma is to be the best computer hardware salesman of his time! Nothing will stop him, and you certainly wont get in his way. (See the animation above in the top left corner). Wally is also crazy about digital art, animation and personal development. He loves to help others through sharing his learning process and creative discoveries. Wally is a blogger but clams up a bit about it when others ask him that question…He is working on that.

Wally is so aware of how his content reaches his audience that smoke literally comes out of his ears from thinking about it too much! He pays attention to how he is formatting and structuring his content in a way that is easy to access and follow (like, right here, in this blog post, ahem). He also wants his content to be shared easily as well. Wally has learned a lot about design, digital art, animation, blogging and storytelling from regular practice. Not obsessively ten times per day, but in metrics of at least once or twice per week. Making static images move and learning new animation skills have enhanced Wally’s ability to further communicate and reach his community while also connecting with new like minded people and beyond. Wally understands that reaching out to others adds value to their lives and the experiences they will have. A lot of the new experiences Wally has had have happened as a result of having a blog and simply sharing what he was learning.

It kind of seems like Wally is actually writing this blog post…hmmm?

Of course Wally is a metaphor and a catalyst to get your creative juices flowing. A reminder to be the best at being who you are, and then give that part of you selflessly. Adding value to the lives of others creates trust. This is another metaphor. When you give selflessly to others outwardly, you are really teaching the universe that you trust yourself. (Re-read that, and now go have some fun!)

Get creative and share your process with this assignment below!

Blogging Assignment –

Create a blog post(s) about a fictional character that communicates him/herself through blogging and the use of Internet tools. The character can be a representative for something that has meaning to you. (Yes, there can be more than more one thing.) Describe the character. What is he or she like? Kind hearted and compassionate? Mean and unsure? Happy and Sallow? A Lover? A Fighter? Get Descriptive and paint us a picture. What does a snippet of their day look like? You will surely need to create visuals for this illustration! Wally Sutton was passionate about Computer Hardware, Spirituality, Digital Art, Creativity & Animation.  He took a few creative “selfies” and created a series of animated portraits for this blog post. Sky is the limit. Feel free to use and reference this blog post as a visual example for content, structure and inspiration. Your first post will be used as a result produced, we will make assessments and grow from the first iteration.


Submit your work in the method that you prefer. Hmmm, you will have to make a decision about this. Are you publishing to your own website, blog or social media platform? Send me the URL and I will re-post it here.

Would you like to post directly to this blog as a new author? E-mail me Rseslow@york.cuny.edu and Ill get you set up as an author. (you must have a CUNY .edu e-mail address for this method)


This blog has tons of resources on creating digital images, digital art works both static and animated and simple motion graphics that will give visual illustrations to support your written expressions.


PS – Hyperlinking = Value :)))

PS#2 – Questions? Reach out! – Rseslow@york.cuny.edu


**This blog post was written and created as an example for my CUNY York College CT101 Digital Storytelling Students but it certainly transcends beyond, like here, right now as you read this.

Mobile, Smart & Cell Phone Digital Art Making

Mobile, Smart & Cell Phone Digital Art Making

Its no secret that there is a ton of potential in mobile/smart phone art making. In fact, you might be a little late to the party! (Im kidding, its never to late to join in). There are literally tons and tons of apps that are both practical, fun and objective, however, I think that the true potential in the medium is hidden in the cross testing of multiple apps combined. After that, the beauty and further discovery is in synthesizing them together for your creative output. I know, that sounds ambitious, especially if you are new to the mobile/smart phone art making game.

The output may be a series of still frames that work together as a sequence or a series dedicated to a style that you create. The output may be a series of subtle animations in the form of GIFs or micro videos (Instagram will loop them for you today). These creative experiments can surely be created from your imagination, dreams and emotions. They can also be creative ways of visually painting a picture to illustrate your response to an editorial, a news feed thread, a scholarly article, an interview, and so on. I think you follow, yes? Either way, the use of visuals are more present than ever in almost all of the media that we consume. And do we consume it! This stretches from all forms of digital and static public advertising, news feeds upon news feeds and interactive media that is user based and customizable. This includes academic publications and pedagogy. Yes, thats right, if you think that academia wont be effected by the how the media and main stream advertising plays a roll in our shaping our psychology and lives, watch what happens over the next 2-3 years. Human attention has become a commodity and a currency. More on that soon!

This week (and forward) is about experimentation and redefining how you perceive your device and what its expressive potential is! Lets get acquainted with some of the apps by visiting the links below. Some apps as we know offer a free version for the sake of testing the app. There is quite a bit that can be done today with options to both take screen-shots of still images and also capture screen-recording for creating short animations. I have a few favorites for sure and have tested the apps listed below. Make purchases only at your discretion. Lets dig in.

Where will you post your experimentation? Instagram? Twitter? Facebook? Reddit? Flickr? Tumblr, Vero? Your personal website?

Or here on the Net-Art site on the Commons! We would love to have your work and the work of your students.

Would you like to craft a project for an online exhibition? Contact me here  – rseslow (at) york.cuny.edu

**You may want to free up some space on your device before you begin. Applications take up space, and so does the work that you will create.

Mobile Apps:

Glitche’ – glitche.com

to.be camera – to.be/camera

Giphy Cam – https://giphy.com/apps

Instagram – http://Instagram.com

VHS CAM – http://rarevision.com/vhscam

Assembly Design App – http://assemblyapp.co

ImgPlay – https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/imgplay-gif-maker/id989843523?mt=8

Imaengine – https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/imaengine-vector/id599309610?mt=8


Ultra-Pop -Infinite

GifVid (simple tool to covert GIF to Video, Video to GIF on the phone)

Glitch Wizard

iColorama S rich featured image editor that maintains full resolution of images
Decim8 – Glitch
ImgPlay – Awesome GIF maker!
Back Eraser – Great to remove background areas and make layers.
GIF Maker Create GIFs from a sequence of still images from your photo library.
Building Resources from the Web – 
Here are some websites, artists & interviews dedicated to Art making via cell phones and mobile devices. They range from old and outdated to new and very cutting edge. We will build this resource as our class evolves.

Casey Kauffmann’s Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/uncannysfvalley/
Interview with Casey Kauffman

Karen Divine


Michael Manning

Feel free to leave a few comments below! Share anything you wish. Troubleshooting issues? Urls and links? Lets participate!

Are Internet Memes ART? Please Advise.

Are Internet Memes ART?

Screen the video above first and read the articles below. Do an internet search for “Are memes ART?” See what you discover. No matter how you cut it, memes are here to stay…is this good or bad for Art? Is this good or bad for Education? Is there context for memes and appropriate application in your course? I would like to know what you think. And by all means, share you favorites via URLs, and or create your own as a reaction..

Are Memes the Pop Culture Art of our Era? Kate Knibbs – https://www.digitaltrends.com/social-media/when-does-a-meme-become-art/

Another piece with some good insights – http://www.dazeddigital.com/artsandculture/article/34645/1/is-2017-the-year-that-memes-are-recognised-as-art

Please leave your reactions in the comments section below.

All of My Memories are Becoming Electronic..

Electric CITY

2017, Digital Photography Manipulations & Mini Zine.

Electric City is the start of a series of digital photographs taken in NYC between the years of 1999–2004. The images have been re-photographed from screen shots taken from my damaged iMac computer purchased in 2002. The images above and in the zine below were taken this past week. The screen shots are printed, scanned and rephotographed with my iPhone 6 & 8. Over the years the failing LCD monitor on the apple machine began breaking down and generating a common glitch in this series of computers. I really love the effect and the ever changing range of vertical linear lines that appear and disappear each time the computer is turned on and off. The glitches are not static on screen. They twitter and vibrate and an animated GIF series will soon follow. How can it not.

There is something utterly poetic about capturing the awareness’s of our ongoing moments with a camera. Today, and for many years now, I take most of my pictures with my iPhone(s). An integration has happened by default. I haven’t yet challenged why I have bought into this idea so fluidly, but I shall. I see a metaphor in this process.


The Zine below is a single edition ephemeral example of the quickly fading photos albums we used to keep and cherish. No longer do we print photos out the way that we used to. The zine has been fabricated together only using a glue stick. It is not permanent by any means, it too will change. It too will loose its ability to adhere and stick together the way it once had known so well. Or so it thought.

Is there poetic sadness in this idea? I think not. Only the constant reminder of the evolution of time as we change and grow. Objects and things that we interact with become the metric system that we often share and discuss to feel connected again.

All of My Memories are Becoming Electronic..