Tag: open call

2020 – 2021- NET-ART OPEN-CALL for Submissions!

Its that time Again!

The NET-ART OPEN-CALL for Submissions continues this semester!

FALL / SPRING 2020 – 2021 Edition

What does this mean? What is NET-ART on the Commons?

The NET-ART 2020 – 2021 academic calendar is now accepting submissions on a rolling proposal basis in the following criteria:

  1. Electronic Media / Experimental Pedagogy
  2. Animated GIFS
  3. Digital Art
  4. VIDEO ART / Experimental Film
  5. NET-ART (Works created in and displayed in a web browser)
  6. Class / Course Collaboration
  7. Digital & Analog ZINEs
  8. Curatorial (A Curated Group Exhibition)
  9. Solo Exhibition
  10. Related “Otherness” pitched to us

Looking for useful tools, apps & tutorials to get your submission started? CLICK HERE!

Looking for examples of “what” has been submitted previously? Explore here!

The NET-ART Submission Guidelines:

Submissions may be generated by CUNY faculty, students of all levels, alumni & community members. CUNY classes/courses may also submit collaborative proposals as a group. CUNY faculty & students may also collaborate with others from outside of CUNY as well.

All submitted works will be featured and published as individual blog posts as well as added to existing galleries on the NET-ART website.

Depending on the submission’s proposal, relevant and in context, various submissions will be published and exhibited as an individual page created specifically for the project.

All submissions should be described in written detail with a clear vision, context and meaning. Supporting images and links should be provided as well.

Authors of the submissions and their collaborators must be willing to participate, respond to comments and expand upon their projects with incoming queries via the commons, twitter and beyond.

The purpose of exhibiting submissions in various categories displays a platform for creative and experimental methods of pedagogy. Please consider how your work will contribute to a larger whole that will be archived for teaching, learning, reference and posterity.

We anticipate your submissions!

Question, Proposals & Submissions can be sent via e-mail or via Twitter to:

[email protected]  /  @ryanseslow 

Net-Art Open Call for Submissions! Spring 2020 Edition!

The NET-ART OPEN-CALL for Submissions continues this semester!

Spring 2020 Edition

What does this mean? What is NET-ART on the Commons?

The NET-ART 2020 academic calendar is now accepting submissions on a rolling proposal basis in the following criteria:

  1. Electronic Media / Experimental Pedagogy
  2. Animated GIFS
  3. Digital Art
  4. VIDEO ART / Experimental Film
  5. NET-ART (Works created and displayed in a web browser)
  6. Class / Course Collaboration
  7. Digital & Analog ZINEs
  8. Curatorial (A Curated Group Exhibition)
  9. Solo Exhibitions
  10. Net-Art Open Projects – (details here)
  11. “Experimental Such-ness” (e-mail for details)

Looking for useful tools, apps & tutorials to get your submission started? CLICK HERE!

Looking for examples of “what” has been submitted previously? Explore here!

The NET-ART Submission Guidelines:

Submissions may be generated by CUNY faculty, students of all levels, alumni & community members. CUNY classes/courses may also submit collaborative proposals as a group. CUNY faculty & students may also collaborate with others from outside of CUNY as well.

All submitted works will be featured and published as individual blog posts as well as added to existing galleries on the NET-ART website.

Depending on the submission’s proposal, relevant and in context, various submissions will be published and exhibited as an individual page created specifically for the project.

All submissions should be described in written detail with a clear vision, context and meaning. Supporting images and links should be provided as well.

Authors of the submissions and their collaborators must be willing to participate, respond to comments and expand upon their projects with incoming queries via the commons, twitter and beyond.

The purpose of exhibiting submissions in various categories displays a platform for creative and experimental methods of pedagogy. Please consider how your work will contribute to a larger whole that will be archived for teaching, learning, reference and posterity.

We anticipate your submissions!

Question, Proposals & Submissions can be sent via e-mail or via Twitter to:

[email protected]  /  @ryanseslow 


Open Call for Submissions – FILE Festival – Sao Paulo

Great opportunity to submit your work!

Check it out!


What is FILE?


FILE – Electronic Language International Festival is a non-profit cultural organization that sparks a reflexion on the main aspects of contemporary digital and electronic universe; disseminating the electronic language across Brazil and South America through events and publications since the year 2000.

FILE gathers works of aesthetic expression that capture the main trends and movements of our contemporary culture, which are diversified amongst the main categories of the festival:

Electronic Sonority: Sound Performance, Sound Installations, Sound Art, Genetic Music, Biologic Music, Classical Electronic Music, Pop Electronic Music, Dramatic Radio Broadcasting, Radio Art, Sound Landscape, Sound Robotics, Music Video, Sound Poetry, Sound Robotics, etc.

Interactive Art: installations, performances, internet projects, virtual reality, augmented reality, multitouch tables, digital objects, outdoor projections, phone projects, electronic graffiti, VRML, etc.

Digital Language: digital games, animation, digital theatre, machinima, digital video, digital architecture, digital fashion, digital design, robotics, artificial life, biological art, transgenic art, software art, new interfaces, animes, hypertexts, non-linear scripts, artificial intelligence, programming language, digital poetry, digital dance, etc.

Founded in the year 2000 by Ricardo Barreto and Paula Perissinotto, FILE aims to magnify technological discussions in the cultural scope. Besides the traditional annual event in São Paulo city, the festival expands itself across national and international borders to cities such as Rio de Janeiro, Vitória, Belo Horizonte, Curitiba, Porto Alegre, São Luis and Brasilia.

FILE’s mission is to promote a wider access from the general public to technologic languages demonstrating how our contemporary world builds itself on the advances of new and digital medias.



Net-Art Open Call for Submissions! Fall 2019

The NET-ART OPEN-CALL for Submissions continues this semester!

FALL 2019 Edition

What does this mean? What is NET-ART on the Commons?

The NET-ART 2019 academic calendar is now accepting submissions on a rolling proposal basis in the following criteria:

  1. Electronic Media / Experimental Pedagogy
  2. Animated GIFS
  3. Digital Art
  4. VIDEO ART / Experimental Film
  5. NET-ART (Works created and displayed in a web browser)
  6. Class / Course Collaboration
  7. Digital & Analog ZINEs
  8. Curatorial (A Curated Group Exhibition)
  9. Solo Exhibition
  10. Net-Art Open Projects – (details here)

Looking for useful tools, apps & tutorials to get your submission started? CLICK HERE!

Looking for examples of “what” has been submitted previously? Explore here!

The NET-ART Submission Guidelines:

Submissions may be generated by CUNY faculty, students of all levels, alumni & community members. CUNY classes/courses may also submit collaborative proposals as a group. CUNY faculty & students may also collaborate with others from outside of CUNY as well.

All submitted works will be featured and published as individual blog posts as well as added to existing galleries on the NET-ART website.

Depending on the submission’s proposal, relevant and in context, various submissions will be published and exhibited as an individual page created specifically for the project.

All submissions should be described in written detail with a clear vision, context and meaning. Supporting images and links should be provided as well.

Authors of the submissions and their collaborators must be willing to participate, respond to comments and expand upon their projects with incoming queries via the commons, twitter and beyond.

The purpose of exhibiting submissions in various categories displays a platform for creative and experimental methods of pedagogy. Please consider how your work will contribute to a larger whole that will be archived for teaching, learning, reference and posterity.

We anticipate your submissions!

Question, Proposals & Submissions can be sent via e-mail or via Twitter to:

[email protected]  /  @ryanseslow 

Art History Remixes for the CAA NYC 2019 Conference

I would like to present to you below a new series of art history remixes and animated GIF mash-ups that I created for the 2019 CAA annual conference.

The conference is taking place in NYC this year (2/13 -2/17) and will be filled with amazing energy, great people, tons of events, talks, discussions, presentations, methods, tactics and so much more. Im super grateful for the opportunity to create and share the works! They will be shown as a large screen reel of videos looping endlessly at the opening reception & convocation on Wednesday, February 13th at 6pm. The event is free and open to the public! Im sure that several CUNY peoples will be in attendance. The event location and details on the reception are here – https://caa.confex.com/caa/2019/meetingapp.cgi/Session/3023

I thought of the NET-ART website here on the Commons right from the start of this project and intend on reaching out to several other CUNY faculty members about sharing and also expanding upon this project as a collaborative venture. Not only in the traditional pedagogical aspect (what ever that means), but also in the creative aspect of combing the two. What can we learn from re-mixing and mashing up history? Does personalizing and customizing foster a new way to learn about historical works of art? What if the process was as immediate as using a mobile app to create, upload and publish instantly?

The digital art works in this series below were created using adobe photoshop and after effects as well as iOS mobile applications Glitche’ and Imaengine. Can you name all of the art works and their titles?


Feel free to get in touch for more info – rseslow (at) york.cuny.edu

NET-ART – Open Call for Submissions!

Welcome to NET-ART’s Open Call for Submissions!


What does this mean? What is NET-ART on the Commons?

The NET-ART 2018 & 2019 academic calendar is now accepting submissions on a rolling proposal basis in the following criteria:

  1. Electronic Media / Experimental Pedagogy
  2. Animated GIFS
  3. Digital Art
  4. VIDEO ART / Experimental Film
  5. NET-ART (Works created and displayed in a web browser)
  6. Class / Course Collaboration
  7. Digital ZINEs
  8. Curatorial (A Curated Group Exhibition)
  9. Solo Exhibition
  10. Net-Art Open Projects – (details here)

Looking for useful tools, apps & tutorials to get your submission started? CLICK HERE!

The NET-ART Submission Guidelines:

Submissions may be generated by CUNY faculty, students of all levels, alumni & community members. CUNY classes/courses may also submit collaborative proposals as a group .

All submitted works will be featured and published as individual blog posts as well as added to existing galleries on the NET-ART website.

Depending on the submission’s proposal, relevant and in context, various submissions will be published and exhibited as an individual page created specifically for the project.

All submissions should be described in written detail with a clear vision, context and meaning. Supporting images and links should be provided as well.

Authors of the submissions and their collaborators must be willing to participate, respond to comments and expand upon their projects with incoming queries via the commons, twitter and beyond.

The purpose of exhibiting submissions in various categories displays a platform for creative and experimental methods of pedagogy. Please consider how your work will contribute to a larger whole that will be archived for teaching, reference and posterity.


Question, Proposals & Submissions can be sent via e-mail or via Twitter to:

[email protected]  /  @ryanseslow 



Join the NET-ART group on the commons here for regular updates.






F.I.L.E 2019 – Open Call for Submissions

OPEN CALL – for F.I.L.E – 2019

FILE 2019 | Call for Entries

Registrations are opened to the 20th edition of FILE – Electronic Language International Festival, from September 05 to November 30, 2018.

Since year 2000, FILE is a non-profit cultural organization that has been promoting exhibitions, workshops and gatherings that seek to investigate the appropriations of the technologic media in artistic accomplishments. With annual exhibitions in Sao Paulo, in addition to participations in national and international events, FILE is the biggest electronic art event in Latin America.

For 2019, artists and researchers can submit their works in the main categories: Interactive Art, Digital Language, Electronic Sonority and FILE Led Show.

FILE Led Show consists of a public art show in the large Led panel located on the Fiesp building’s facade, at Paulista Avenue, 1313. FILE Led Show gets interactive and non-interactive proposals to be presented at the Digital Art Gallery. *

To participate, you need to fill out the entry forms at the bottom of the page – here – being in accordance to the General Regulations of FILE.


– The submission is free of charge –


FILE 2019 | GENERAL REGULATIONS and full info is HERE